Uplegger Food Company GmbH
Hans-Böckler-Straße 17
D-30851 Langenhagen
Tel +49 [0] 511 97898 0
Fax +49 [0] 511 97898 18

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Die Familien Unternehmer. Die jungen Unternehmer
Uplegger Food Company – engagiert bei DIE FAMILIEN UNTERNEHMER

Media & More.

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Please check our latest news. Here you'll find news about products or our company as well as videos, podcasts or links to third party information.

For questions please contact:
+49 (0) 511 97898 25 or Presse[at]Uplegger[dot]de

About us

Uplegger Food CompanyLebensmittel Zeitung - gains new partners.

Detailed article in issue 50-23 of Lebensmittel Zeitung: For all those who want to know what we do and how we do it.

About us


Press Release

Uplegger Food CompanySpecialities for Gourmets

By tradition always with fine taste!

Press Release


Press Release

Uplegger Food CompanyVeganuary – We join it

As well at Uplegger Food Company the Veganuary is all about the conscious reduction of meat consumption.

Press Release


Press Release

Uplegger GroupNext Generation takes responsibility at Uplegger Group

German family business Uplegger Group reach the 5th generation of family succession.

Press Release


About us

Banque de LuxembourgBanque de Luxembourg

This video of the Banque de Luxembourg gives a portrait of the The Uplegger Food Company.

About us
