Uplegger Food Company GmbH
Hans-Böckler-Straße 17
D-30851 Langenhagen
Tel +49 [0] 511 97898 0
Fax +49 [0] 511 97898 18

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Die Familien Unternehmer. Die jungen Unternehmer
Uplegger Food Company – engagiert bei DIE FAMILIEN UNTERNEHMER

Media & More.

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For questions please contact:
+49 (0) 511 97898 25 or Presse[at]Uplegger[dot]de

Press Release

HaferkaterMore than just another porridge

NEW - RTE Porridge in Grocery Outlets.

Press Release


Press Release

London 1856World class cheddar launched in Germany

New cheddar from Somerset

Press Release


Press Release

Uplegger Food CompanyEasy to join with tasty products

Veganuary 2022

Press Release


Press Release

Uplegger Food CompanyStrong start into the New Year

Powerful media campaigns of Vivera and The Coconut Collaborative.

Press Release


Press Release

The Coconut CollaborativeSensationally tasty new products

4 new products from The Coconut Collaborative.

Press Release


Press Release

ViveraNew Vegan Fillet Chicken-Style

Vivera range now with new Natural Fillet Range.

Press Release


Press Release

Friendly Viking'sThe friendly Viking’s are growing

Greek Style O’gurt now in a big 350 g pot.

Press Release


Press Release

The Coconut CollaborativeNew very tasty dessert from London

The vegan vanilla rice pudding for all big and small foodies

Press Release


Press Release

Kri KriFrozen yogurt - the best of 3 worlds

New in four sensationally delicious flavours

Press Release



The Coconut CollaborativeNow live: The new media campaign of our brand The Coconut Collaborative

The intensive media communication supports the Veganuary.

