Uplegger Food Company GmbH
Hans-Böckler-Straße 17
D-30851 Langenhagen
Tel +49 [0] 511 97898 0
Fax +49 [0] 511 97898 18

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Die Familien Unternehmer. Die jungen Unternehmer
Uplegger Food Company – engagiert bei DIE FAMILIEN UNTERNEHMER

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For questions please contact:
+49 (0) 511 97898 25 or Presse[at]Uplegger[dot]de

Press Release

FiniFresh pasta ‘like homemade’

The original Italian pasta from Fini follows the best gastronomic traditions of Italy.

Press Release


Press Release

London 1856Cheddar specialties in wax coating

The new varieties are refined with herbs and spices or have been aged for an exceptionally long time.

Press Release


Press Release

Devon Cream CompanyOriginal English Clotted Cream in two new flavors

Fruity with Limoncello and luxurious with Salted Caramel.

Press Release


Press Release

Little MoonsNew flavour: Yuzu & Lemon

A fruity refreshment – perfect for summer.

Press Release


Press Release

Inspiring new varieties and design relaunch

Gü highlights treasured moments.

Press Release


Press Release

HaferkaterPorridge inspires readers of Milch Marketing

Haferkater wins Milch Marketing Award.

Press Release


Press Release

Little MoonsMochi Ice Cream - Handmade ice cream in bite size

Delicious – and now available in three new flavours.

Press Release


Press Release

BonMushMushrooms at their best

Plant-based seafood from oyster mushrooms.

Press Release


Press Release

LieblingsKrenFresh horseradish from Austria straight into the chilled section

LieblingsKren & rooty‘s: taste just like freshly grated – always

Press Release


Press Release

Uplegger Food CompanySpecialities for Gourmets

By tradition always with fine taste!

Press Release
